Thursday 25 September 2014

A Public Agenda - Opening Sequence

This is an example of an AS thriller opening sequence called 'A Public Agenda'.
This shows many different examples of codes and conventions shown in thriller opening sequence that could be used in our thriller opening sequence. Using this film as a case study I will explore the ways in which these conventions are utilised and apply this to our own film making.

Throughout this opening sequence of a thriller film the use of close ups are frequently used. For example at the start of the video there is a close up of a character's fingers tapping the table suggesting an impatient character who is worried about something. This close up then increases to show the emotion of the character who is looking angry and panicked. This suggests that the character is a dominant character in which something is going wrong. This could be used in our thriller film by allowing the audience to build a character in their head before they know who the character is and their role in the film. Another use of camerawork is worms eye view also at the beginning of the video. This is shown by someone running through a puddle, this suggests that the person is running away from the character at the start of the film suggesting what the film is going to be about. This could be used similarly in our thriller opening sequence to allow the audience to build a storyline in their head before they know what actually is going to happen.

Throughout the opening sequence of the thriller film 'A Public Agenda' the use of ambient sound of a soundtrack is used. The sound track throughout is shown as chaotic showing the state of panic between characters. This suggests to the audience that something bad is happening in which the audience can choose what character they are following as the story line is more vivid. This can be used similarly in our thriller opening sequence to suggest suspension and a chaotic nature to the film. Another use of sound is diegetic sound shown by the tapping of the fingernails and the dialogue used. This suggests to the audience that the film is going to be suspense throughout with un-answered questions. The dialogue is also quick paced between characters also suggesting the chaotic nature of the film. This can be used similarly in our thriller opening sequence by providing the audience with emotions from the film and how the diegetic sound in the film can make the storyline more obvious but with un-certainty.

Throughout the opening of a thriller sequence shown above the use of editing is also significant. For example the pace of the film is very quick and this is consistent throughout. This shows that the film is full of tension, suspense and has many caotic scenes between characters that make the storyline more vivid. This can be used similarly in our thriller opening sequence by suggesting to the audience what sort of film it will be. Another use of editing would be fading and dissolve through names that come up at the start of the film. For example we see at the start that when the character runs into the puddle a name appears as her foot is taken away from the puddle in a fade effect which creates the name until is dissolves away. This could be used in out thriller opening sequence to show the audience relevant information about who made the film for example whilst linking there names to the film such as placing the name in a scene related to the storyline

Throughout this opening sequence of a thriller film the use of mise-en-scene is frequent throughout. For example props are used such as phones, laptops and microphones with head phones to suggest the story of the video. This allows the audience to understand the main story and follow each character. For example we see in this opening sequence that two characters are running after each other in which we go back to a group of people talking to the chaser through microphones and viewing their location by laptops. This suggests that each character are on separate sides and are therefore against each other. This could be used similarly in our thriller opening sequence to allow the audience to pick  character that they support and get attached to that character. Another use of mise-en-scene would be lighting. For example during the video the lighting is quite dim and dark suggesting the tension between characters, this is consistent throughout. This could be used in our thriller opening sequence by using lighting to suggest the relationship between characters and the events occurring between characters. Another use of mise-en-scene would be clothing. Throughout the opening sequence clothing is used as a way to show the different roles of characters for example those on computers and speaking through a microphone are shown to be dressed in smart clothing suggesting they have more dominant and authoritative roles compared to those who are in casual clothing doing work outside the office. This could be used similarly in our opening sequence to a thriller film to suggest the roles of characters within the film.

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