Monday 9 March 2015

Questionnaire Analysis

What is your gender?
  • Female
  • Male
For our first question we asked 30 people whether the audience member was female or male. By asking this question we can see what sort of genres apply to each individual person depending on social group. This is important to the decisions of our thriller opening sequence to see what sort of thriller conventions and thriller films apply to different genders. By looking over our data we found that 16 people were male and 14 were females. The reasoning behind this could potentially be that the location we located our data from had a higher male population. 

 What age category do you come under?
  • 16-20
  • 21-30
  • 31-40

For our second question we asked what age they were. This is important to the decision of who our target audience should be so that we know what thriller genres suit to different ages. From our data we found that 18 people we asked were between 16 and 20, 7 were between 21 and 30 and 5 were between 31 and 40 this may be due to the location we located our data and therefore the majority of people were between the ages 16 and 20. This helped us later on in the questionnaire to find out what thriller genres these ages of people preferred. 
What thriller genre do you enjoy?
  • Action
  • Horror
  • Psychological
  • Crime
  • Romantic
  • Supernatural

For our third question we as what thriller genre our audience enjoyed the most. This was important to our decision when making the thriller opening sequence to see what ages of audience preferred what genre of a thriller. We soon found that the majority of 16-20 year old females and males preferred action thriller films, the majority of 21-30 year old females and males preferred horror thrillers and finally the majority of 31-40 year old females and males preferred crime thrillers. This was helpful to us enabling to choose a target audience and following the genre of thriller they prefer to suit our target audience. 
What do you notice the most in thriller films?
  • Pace
  • Sound
  • Props
  • Costume
  • Camera shots
  • Lighting

Our fourth question consisted of the most noticeable conventions for our audience within thriller films. This was important to the making of our thriller opening sequence allowing us to find out what our target audience noticed the most in a thriller film and therefore found most important in a thriller film. By our data we found that the majority of people between the ages 16 and 20 noticed pace and sound of thriller films the most. Those between the ages 21 and 30 noticed props the most and those between the ages 31 and 40 noticed costumes and camera shots the most. This is helpful for deciding our target audience knowing what our target audience notice and find important within a thriller film. 
Do you think it is important for a thriller film to be suspenseful and tense?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure

For our fifth question we asked whether our audience found importance in the suspense and tension of a thriller film. This is important for the making of our thriller opening sequence as if the majority of our audience find it important to have suspense and tension in a thriller film then this is a key convention that we must have in our thriller opening sequence to suit our target audience and produce a successful opening sequence. From our data we found that everyone who participated said yes, suspense and tension is important for a thriller film. Therefore we shall add these conventions in our thriller opening sequence. 
What do you find the most appealing factor in a thriller film?
  • Suspense
  • Confusion
  • Mystery
  • Protagonist (Hero) Vs Antagonist (Villain)
  • Characters
  • Plot

Within our sixth question we asked our audience what they found was most appealing in a thriller film. This is important when deciding what to produce in our thriller opening sequence as by knowing what our target audience find most appealing we are able to use these ideas and put them in our thriller opening sequence successfully making the thriller more interesting and eye catching for the target audience. By looking at our data we found that those between the ages 16 and 20 found he factors confusion and suspense most appealing. Those between the ages 21 and 30 found the plot most appealing and those between the ages 31 and 40 found the mystery and confusion most appealing. Therefore we shall consider this in when making our thriller opening sequence. 

Out of these films (if any) what ones did you find most suspenseful?
  • Shutter Island
  • Fight Club
  • Psycho
  • Panic Room
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • Seven
  • Abduction
  • If other please state: ……………………………….

For our final question we asked what films (if any) did thriller audiences find most suspenseful. This was important to the making of our thriller film as by finding out what other films are suspenseful and eye catching to thriller audiences of different ages we were able to observe these films and notice key thriller conventions that could go onto influence our ideas. From our data we found that people between the ages 16 and 20 found the films Shutter Island and Psycho most suspenseful. Those between the ages 21 and 30 found Panic Room and Fight Club most suspenseful and those between the ages 31 and 40 found Sherlock Holmes and Seven most suspenseful. Therefore the thriller conventions used in these films were considered and influenced our ideas for a thriller opening sequence. 

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