Sunday 15 March 2015


For filming we used a HD Canon Camera and Tripod for our opening sequence to a thriller film. We spent a day filming for our first draft of the thriller sequence in which we needed Oli Taylor as our main character wearing baggy clothing and carrying a large bag on his way out of the setting of a house in a neighbourhood. 
During this day of filming we started with Oli hectically walking into the house in which our camera man held the camera and followed Oli go into the house to cause cinema verite. During this scene of the thriller we also filmed close ups of Oli opening the door and a match on action of him going into the house. We then filmed the rest of the thriller in the house. This included filming long shots and wide shots of Oli walking into the kitchen and chaotically trying to find something which we soon find out is a passport. We then do another long shot and cinema verite of Oli running up the stairs and then hectically grabbing everything he needs and putting it in a bag. During this we also filmed close ups and extreme close ups of what Oli is doing and a wide shot as each prop is placed on the bed ready to be packed. We then finished with cinema verite in which Oli walked out of the house quickly to suggest the tension within the thriller. 

What went well during this day of filming would be the different types of shots that we managed to get as we managed to create a match on action shot and filmed shots such as close ups, long shots, extreme close ups and wide shots so that the target audience could see everything that our main character is doing. What also went well was that we managed to follow conventions of a thriller through terms of lighting and mood of the sequence as throughout the thriller you can see it is very chaotic and suspenseful heightening the tension of the thriller. 

What we could have improved on would be the use of mise-en-scene as we could have used more props such as drugs to heighten the tension further and allow the audience to make a judgement on our main character on whether he is a antagonist or protagonist. We could have also improved our mise-en-scene in terms of clothing as Oli does not look like he is suspicious through his clothing therefore we could have had him wearing darker clothes such as a hoody and jeans or a black suit.  Another improvement could have been he lighting at the end of the thriller as due to the timing of the day when Oli enters the house it is daylight and when he leaves it is dark therefore we could have filmed him entering and leaving at the same time so that the lighting did not significantly change. Therefore we can change problems such as these once looking over our rough cut of the thriller.

Overall the day of filming was successful and we managed to gain lots of shots that followed our storyboard. Our thriller filming day was also very well organised and flowed smoothly during the day. 

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