Friday 20 March 2015

Final Day of Filming & Audience Feedback

After looking over our rough cut we decided to re-film our thriller relating to the comments our audience feedback gave us. These comments included mise-en-scene in terms of props in which we could add drugs or some other type of illegal substance to make the main character more suspicious and have more of a background or possible background that the audience can follow and make a judgement. Other comments in terms of mise-en-scene included the clothing of the main character and that he could be wearing darker clothing such as a suit. Another comment that was suggested was the use of camerawork in terms of setting the scene and more extreme close ups of the props so that the audience could see exactly what the main character is picking up. The establishing shot was suggested to set the scene of the thriller including props such as drugs in the shot to heighten the suspense of the thriller. 

Therefore for this day of filming we re-filmed the thriller using the same cinema verite, long shots, close ups, wide shots and extreme close ups that we had done before. However we also added an establishing of the kitchen in which you can see the props of drugs on the table which then leads over to the main character entering the house. This enabled the audience to see the tension within the thriller and have a judgement on the main character. We also added props of the drugs in which we had a worms eye view and extreme close up of the main characer measuring out drugs and placing a bag of them in his pocket to heighten the suspense of the character and the chaotic scene of the thriller. Also through mise-en-scene the main character wore a dark black suit to emphasise the mood of the sequence as suspensful to follow the conventions of the thriller genre. Therefore we re-filmed the footage with our main character wearing this clothing to follow the thriller codes and conventions better.

What went well during this day of filming is that we managed to finish the footage for our thriller following our audience feedback including more extreme close ups and other types of camera angles, changing mise-en-scene in terms of props and clothing and also heightening the tension within the thriller. What we could have improved upon would be the chaotic nature of the thriller as our main character does not rush around quite as much however the character's mood still emphasises conventions of a thriller.

Overal the filming was successful and the planning was very organised following our script and storyboard

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