Friday 24 October 2014

Conventions of a Psychological Thriller

Mirrors-Are used to portray the use of reflection of a characters inner self, as well as representing 'the dark side' of some characters.

Shadows and Low key lighting -Are used as a convention of a thriller film they are both used to add tension in a scene, and to represent the inner darkness within the characters

Quick cuts, obtrusive and montage editing-Are all frequently used i psychological thrillers to highlight the feelings of suspense and tension, mainly used during important scenes. e.g. the opening sequence of 'Se7en' (1995) 

Flashbacks-Is a typical convention of a thriller because it can show what has happened previously, to give the audience an insight into the characters past.
e.g. the film 'Memento' (2000)

Tension Music-Used to set the mood and create suspense or shock the audience.
For example the shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's film 'Psycho' (1960)

Colours- The colours used in psychological thrillers are predominantly red, black and white. They have connotations of danger, violence, blood, evil and mystery. Low key lighting is often used on the main subjects to create enigma and mystery. The background is often dark to emphasise this. It also helps to create an unsettling atmosphere and further build tension.

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