Saturday 20 December 2014


*Scene 1*
[HIGHT ANGLE SHOT of front door in silence for 10 seconds before a silhouette appears and sound track starts playing. The door opens frantically showing a young male with an unhealthy and unkempt appearance suggesting that his background is complicated. The character walks over the camera and then it switches to a wide shot of the kitchen, which is cluttered in appearance. Shot of them rummaging through the cupboards searching for something these are fast paced in order to convey the sense of urgency felt by the character. They pull out a shoe box with an envelope filled with ID's and passports. CLOSE UP and OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT of these before they run up the stairs and enters the bedroom, pulling out a suitcase from under the bed and throwing the fake ID's inside. Opening draws pulling out various items of clothes throwing them into the case. Taking a brown parcel tied with string from a hiding place and putting this into the case too. Phone Rings and character answers it. Although you are able to hear the caller talking, what is being said is inaudible. Character responds in short replies in order to leave the audience in further suspense about the nature of their troubles. Character hangs up phone and finishes packing suitcase before rushing out of the house slamming the door behind him.]
*Scene 2*
[WIDE SHOT looking down and sitting on a bench of a train station platform. Sound is uncomfortably silent to depict the eye of the storm again suggesting there is more to the story. Character is restless and there is a side view shot of him looking up before a train pulls into the platform and the screen goes black again.]​

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